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Syncron - The Next-Gen Bud Enhancer

For years, the kiwifruit industry has been looking for a viable alternative to Hydrogen Cyanamide. A Next-Gen product that breaks buds effectively, while protecting people and the natural world.

After four years of replicated trials, Key Industries is pleased to offer New Zealand growers SYNCRON. Made from natural substances, SYNCRON induces phytohormonal activity, processes that break dormancy and promote uniform budbreak. To go to the product page please click here.


1. A Next-Gen Bud Enhancer

With pressure mounting to make bud enhancement safer, kiwifruit growers are ready for a breakthrough product.

2. The Syncron Trials Explained

For results to be valid and reliable, Syncron needed to be thoroughly tested. In this video, we explain the robust trial process.

3. Performance Results

In comparison to Hydrogen Cyanamide, how did Syncron perform? Did Syncron hit the fruit production sweet spot?


4. How Safe Is Syncron?

For Syncron to hit the Bullseye, it must pass strict safety parameters. Does it solve the Performance/Safety dilemma?

5. How To Use Syncron

As a starting point, growers will look to use Syncron in their Exclusion Zones. How should it be applied?

6. What Do Growers Say?

Along with Replicated Trials, independent growers tested Syncron on their commercial orchards in seven Comparative Trials.



