1 to 10 of 10 results
Agrecovery update
Date: 17-06-2024Great news! Key Industries have voluntarily joined the Agrecovery Product Stewardship Scheme for Woven PP bags. -
Pestnetwork dates 2024 announced!
Date: 19-12-2023For those of you that like to plan in advance to ensure that you have upcoming events locked into your calendar the team at Pest Network have locked in our 2024 dates. -
Slugoff bags accepted for Agrecovery
Date: 19-10-2023We are pleased to announce that our Slugoff 8kg polywoven bags have been accepted into the Agrecovery scheme -
Joining A Lighter Touch
Date: 23-08-2023We are excited to announce that Key Industries has joined A Lighter Touch as a crop protection partner in their programme -
Agrecovery Award
Date: 20-09-2022Frank recently attended a 15-year celebration of AgRecovery in Wellington and was joined by a large number of the Pest, and Ag/Hort Industry manufacturers and suppliers -
The Rodents are Coming!
Date: 18-04-2019Prevention is better than cure.... Rodent numbers are expected to skyrocket with an abundance of food around, and we recommend a proactive approach for the upcoming rodent season. -
Misting in Hot Dry Conditions
Date: 19-12-2018Tips from Mark Linton on misting in summer conditions -
Argentine ants invade the Kāpiti Coast, forcing residents to fight back
Date: 04-04-2018Armies of aggressive argentine ants have invaded the Kāpiti Coast, killing birds and climbing people's legs.
1 to 10 of 10 results