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  • Black Trakka Pre- Inked Monitoring Cards
    Black Trakka Pre- Inked Monitoring Cards

    Gotcha Traps has developed a system ideal for monitoring the presence of mammals and insects. A suitable sized tunnel is placed in a control area and within the tunnel is a monitoring card. This card is of wet strength material and in the standard system is 500mm in length and 100mm in width. In the middle of the card is a sealed strip on which is placed a non drying, water resistant ink of specified viscosity.

    When an animal is attracted into the tunnel as a result of a lure it moves across the inked area. With ink on its feet the animal leaves tracks on the absorbent section of the card. Oil within the ink is taken into the cardboard leaving high definition tracks. These tracks allow individual animals to be identified [differing widths, lengths and pad types]. The tracks of Rattus rattus are easily separated from those of Rattus Norvegicus. Thus control measures can be very effectively monitored. This system also allows for the gathering of insect tracks, cockroaches and even ants can be recorded.

    Gotcha believes the collection of insect tracks to be a world first. As the pads on the underside of insect feet vary it is possible to build a local data base. The cards are folded in half and sealed in oxygen barrier bags.

    Shelf life is in excess of 9 months. This is increased indefinitely when the cards are stored in refrigerated conditions.


    LOW COST – low price and low transport costs 

    LIGHT WEIGHT – over 100 can be carried in a backpack.

    EASY TO USE – Just fold and click to make the tube. Unfold the card and place in the tube.

    READY FOR USE – No work required to make components.

    READILY AVAILABLE – Can be supplied to any mail delivery location in NZ.

    ALL WEATHER USE – Not temperature dependent.

    CAN BE USED TO DETECT ALL PESTS AND/OR PROTECTED SPECIES - Rats, Ferrets, Weasels, Mice, Hedgehogs, Weta & Frogs.

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  • Black Trakka Rat Tracking Tunnel
    Black Trakka Rat Tracking Tunnel

    Gotcha Traps has developed a system ideal for monitoring the presence of mammals and insects. A suitable sized tunnel is placed in a control area and within the tunnel is a monitoring card. This card is of wet strength material and in the standard system is 500mm in length and 100mm in width. In the middle of the card is a sealed strip on which is placed a non drying, water resistant ink of specified viscosity.

    When an animal is attracted into the tunnel as a result of a lure it moves across the inked area. With ink on its feet the animal leaves tracks on the absorbent section of the card. Oil within the ink is taken into the cardboard leaving high definition tracks. These tracks allow individual animals to be identified [ differing widths, lengths and pad types]. The tracks of Rattus rattus are easily separated from those of Rattus Norvegicus. Thus control measures can be very effectively monitored. This system also allows for the gathering of insect tracks, cockroaches and even ants can be recorded.

    Gotcha believes the collection of insect tracks to be a world first. As the pads on the underside of insect feet vary it is possible to build a local data base. The standard tunnel is 500mm in length and100mm in both height and width. 


    LOW COST – low price and low cost to transport.

    LIGHT WEIGHT – over 100 can be carried in a backpack.

    EASY TO USE – Just fold and click to make the tube. Unfold the card and place in the tube.

    READY FOR USE – No work required to make components.

    READILY AVAILABLE – Can be supplied to any mail delivery location in NZ.

    ALL WEATHER USE – Not temperature dependent.

    CAN BE USED TO DETECT ALL PESTS AND/OR PROTECTED SPECIES - Rats, Ferrets, Weasels, Mice, Hedgehogs, Weta & Frogs.

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  • Chew Cards (filled) in a pack of 20 Aniseed
    Chew Cards (filled) in a pack of 20 Aniseed
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  • Chew Cards (filled) in a pack of 20 BROWN (Peanut)
    Chew Cards (filled) in a pack of 20 BROWN (Peanut)

    Chew cards are an innovative one-of-a-kind product used to detect the presence of a range of small mammals including rats, mice, stoats, cats, possums and hedgehogs. Unique bite or tooth mark impressions left behind on the Chew Card accurately indicate just what animal you are dealing with.

    Cards are filled with Ferafeed 213- a non-toxic and highly palatable formulation. For domestic use as well as for professional pest control operations.

    Easy and ready to use- just fold in half and nail onto a tree or fence post. Used by the Department of Conservation and other leading pest controllers and conservationists.

    Weather resistant.

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  • Chew Cards Peanut Lure Only (No Peanuts) pack of 20 - BLUE
    Chew Cards Peanut Lure Only (No Peanuts) pack of 20 - BLUE

    Chew cards are an innovative one-of-a-kind product used to detect the presence of a range of small mammals including rats, mice, stoats, cats, possums and hedgehogs. Unique bite or tooth mark impressions left behind on the Chew Card accurately indicate just what animal you are dealing with.

    For domestic use as well as for professional pest control operations. Easy and ready to use- just fold in half and nail onto a tree or fence post. Used by the Department of Conservation and other leading pest controllers and conservationists.

    Weather resistant.

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  • Fluorescent Flagging Tape
    Fluorescent Flagging Tape

    Bright, thick, vinyl flagging tape. A strong tape that will stand up to the elements. 

    Comes in Blue, Orange, Pink and Red.

    25mm wide

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  • Inspection 51 LED Fluorescent Test UV Torch
    Inspection 51 LED Fluorescent Test UV Torch
    Fluorescent Test UV Torch
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  • Mustelid & Cat Lure 1kg
    Mustelid & Cat Lure 1kg

    All purpose lure - A highly effective water resistant lure for kill traps, such as the DOC 200, to attract weasels, stoats, ferrets, rats and feral cats. Now available in a convenient and rodent proof storage container. Many conservation organizations use the Mustelid Lures to enhance their trapping programs.


    • Increase catch rates substantially
    • Bait is robust and water-resistant
    • Continually attractive day after day
    • High potency scent attractant specific to mustelids and cats
    • Convenient hole in the center to attach to traps using a wire or metal spike
    • Will last for at least 3 weeks in the field
    • Very long shelf life
    • Each lure weighs approximately 10 g (i.e. 80-100 lures in the 1 kg pail)

    In the past lures such as hens eggs, whole portions of rabbit or rabbit mince have been used. However, these lures have problems, for example hen eggs can easily be broken when carried in the field and rabbit portions and rabbit mince only last a few days before going rotten and becoming fly blown and unattractive as a lure. Many conservation organizations such as the Friends of Rotoiti conservation group use the Mustelid and Cat Lure as a replacement for eggs or rabbit meat. This group compared stoat captures using our Mustelid and Cat Lure with hen eggs and came to the conclusion that it works just as well. 

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  • Possum Wax Monitoring Tag No Lure - Clear
    Possum Wax Monitoring Tag No Lure - Clear

    Artificial bait used for estimating possum abundance. Each Wax Tag consists of a piece of triangular-shaped sheet of plastic, with a 12cm block of wax molded to the sharpest point of the triangle.

    Possums are attracted to the tag and their presence is recorded by species specific bite marks on the wax. Development of this device has provided a means of measuring possum activity from the numbers of Wax Tags that contain possum bite marks.

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  • Possum Wax Monitoring Tag Peanut Butter Lure - Brown
    Possum Wax Monitoring Tag Peanut Butter Lure - Brown

    Artificial bait with a Peanut Butter Lure used for estimating possum abundance. Each Wax Tag consists of a 40cm2 piece of triangular-shaped sheet of plastic, with a 12cm block of wax molded to the sharpest point of the triangle.

    Possums are attracted to the tag and their presence is recorded by species specific bite marks on the wax. Development of this device has provided a means of measuring possum activity from the numbers of Wax Tags that contain possum bite marks.

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  • Provoke Mouse Attractant 56g
    Provoke Mouse Attractant 56g

    A formulated attractant specifically for Mice. A food based gel to entice mice to traps. Water soluble, non toxic and hypo-allergenic, it can be used in a variety of locations and sites eg. Schools, food production plants.

    Pack Size: 56g

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  • Provoke Rat Attractant 224g
    Provoke Rat Attractant 224g

    Provoke Rat Attractant is a professional food-based gel which actually entices rats to rat traps.

    • It is specially formulated to meet the unique behavioral characteristics of rats, particularly their sense of smell.
    • Provoke provides a blend of scents and smells that Norway and roof rats find irresistible.
    • Ideal for use with all rat traps, including the Trapper T-Rex Rat Trap which features an integrated, removable cup to hold the attractant.
    • Provoke Rat Attractant is non-toxic, non-staining and hypoallergenic.
    • Comes in a convenient no-drip squeeze bottle for easy application.

    Pack Size: 224g

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  • Triangle Tag Small
    Triangle Tag Small

    Strong plastic triangle shaped track marker ideal for marking permanent lines of traps or bait stations.

    Made from UV Stabilized Plastic - Available in blue, pink, yellow and orange

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