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  • Cidetrak IMM+4 Mating Disruption Pheromone (36pk)
    Cidetrak IMM+4 Mating Disruption Pheromone (36pk)

    Contains: (9 Z ,12 E) -9,12-tetradecadien-1-yl acetate 3.2 %

    CIDETRAK® IMM Dispenser Technology provides a 3-way effect on mating that dramatically reduces larvae and damage to stored goods. CIDETRAK® IMM works with a reduced insecticide program, depending on insect abundance, to provide a continuous preventative strategy. Over time, our dispenser is often more effective than insecticides and is completely non-toxic.

    CIDETRAK® IMM is a high load pheromone dispenser which disrupts the mating of the following target moths: Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella), Tobacco moth (Ephestia elutella), Raisin moth (Cadra figulilella), Almond moth (Cadra cautella), Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella).

    Dispensers per package: 36 units, one dispenser contains: 160 mgs active ingredient

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    CIDETRAK® IMM MEC™ for Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), Tobacco Moth or Cocoa Moth (Ephestia elutella), Raisin Moth (Cadra figulilella), Almond Moth (Cadre cautella) and Mediterranean Flour Moth (Ephestia kuehniella), in stored products. CIDETRAK IMM MEC – THE BEST Mixable/Single Use IPM Program for Industry-Wide Insect Management Available Today!

    CIDETRAK IMM MEC is a highly sophisticated microencapsulated(MEC) controlled release formulation, created by semiochemical scientists for semiochemicals and their users. Easy to use – just shake, tip, and pour for singular spray or tank mix Flexible treatment intervals depending on population abundance Low labor requirements, complete flexibility on time of use, no shutdown, no downtime.

    Can be used in raw commodities, food processing, retail, and other. Easy to tank mix, CIDETRAK IMM MEC = Less Mating, Fewer Larvae, Less Insecticide, Reduced Infestation Broad Spectrum, Non-Toxic, No Residue, Fits Every Market Segment, Low Cost, Long Lasting, Full Season Protection!

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  • Clothes Moth Lure
    Clothes Moth Lure

    The Standard Clothes Moth Lure is a pheromone lure designed specifically to attract the Webbing Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella). Effective for 6 weeks. All the dispensers are produced to rigorous quality standards andpacked in vapour-proof, sealed sachets with production date codes. Webbing Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella)


    The traps should be placed in storage areas or near items at risk throughout the year. The timing of pest appearance will vary with the external climate and other factors such as the use of central heating etc.

    The Standard Clothes Moth Lure is designed for use with the Black Stripe Disposable Delta Trap. Monitoring traps, Webbing Clothes Moth, Clothes Moth, Tineola bisselliella,  Tineola Bisselli use with TR-MT, B & W Delta Trap (6 weeks)

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  • Fall Armyworm Pheromone Lure (25pk)
    Fall Armyworm Pheromone Lure (25pk)

    Fall Armyworm, Latin Name - Spodoptera frugiperda

    A pheromone lure

    Lure Field Life - 4 - 6 Weeks

    Any unused lures may be stored in the freezer for the following season.

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  • General Grain Beetle Attractant
    General Grain Beetle Attractant

    Long lasting lure for monitoring general grain beetles. For use with general monitoring traps and grain traps.

    Pests: Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum); Red Flour Beetle (Tribolium.casteneum), Weevils (Sitophilus oryzae), Lesser Grain Borer (Rhizopertha dominica), Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus mercator) Saw toothed Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis), Rusty grain beetle, Flat grain beetle, Flour mill beetle (Cryptolestes spp.) 

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  • Guava Moth Lure
    Guava Moth Lure
    Pherocon Guava Moth Lure
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  • Pantry Moth Lure
    Pantry Moth Lure

    SPM Spectrum Blue

    Pest: SPM / IMM (Ephestia spp & Plodia interpunctella) 12 week lure using the Spectrum colour coding system for easy seasonal lure checking. Use Blue Spectrums for January, February and March

    Storage and Handling Recommendations

    • The pheromone lures from Agrisense are supplied in labelled and batch coded vapour proof sachets.
    • The lures are provided either separately or as components of monitoring systems inside system boxes together with the appropriate trap.
    • The lures and systems should be kept under good storage conditions at below 15°C. Kept under these conditions the lures and systems will retain their activity and attractancy for a minimum of 18 months.
    • Bulk storage of lures for periods of up to 24 months is possible by refrigeration at temperatures of 4°C or below. We do not recommend storing lures for more than this time even in a refrigerator.
    • Agrisense pheromone lures have a known and declared period of activity after opening of the sachet. After this time the expired pheromone lure should be renewed.
    • The old lure should be completely removed from the area of use and destroyed to prevent interference with the fresh replacement/ recharge lure.
    Shelf life: 24 months if stored at 4°C or below.
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    The STORGARD QUICK-CHANGE WCM + CMCM COMBI Kit monitoring system for the Webbing and Casemaking clothes moths is a cost effective, pre-baited method of detecting moth activity at the earliest possible stages. It utilizes combined synthetic sex pheromones that lure adult Webbing and Casemaking clothes moths into a specially designed trap that contains a sticky capture surface. Early detection of moth activity allows control measures to be employed before wool, natural fibers and hair based items are damaged by larvae.

    Each STORGARD kit contains pre-baited monitoring systems for up to 12 weeks of continuous monitoring, depending on the environmental conditions. 

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    The QUICK-CHANGE™ DOME™ is a broad spectrum monitoring trap that attracts and captures most stored product beetles, both male and female. The Best Trap for Confused & Red Flour Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, Khapra & Warehouse Beetles, and 25 Other Insects!

    Features include:

    • QUICK-CHANGE™ SNUGFIT ® Lure and Capture Tray
    • 100% Oxygen-Free Barrier
    • Lure and Capture Tray
    • Elevated DOME Position
    • Behaviorally Modified Ramp System
    • Chemically Stabilized Pheromones
    • Timed-Release Pheromone
    • Lure Matrix Timed-Release “Synergized” Synthetic Kairomone Attractants 
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    Replacements lures for the STORGARD® DOME™ QUICK CHANGE™ KITS. The QUICK-CHANGE™ DOME™ is a broad spectrum monitoring trap that attracts and captures most stored product beetles, both male and female. The Best Trap for Confused & Red Flour Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, Khapra & Warehouse Beetles, and 25 Other Insects!

    Features include:

    • QUICK-CHANGE™ SNUGFIT ® Lure and Capture Tray
    • 100% Oxygen-Free Barrier
    • Lure and Capture Tray
    • Elevated DOME Position
    • Behaviorally Modified Ramp System
    • Chemically Stabilized Pheromones 
    • Timed-Release Pheromone
    • Lure Matrix Timed-Release “Synergized” Synthetic Kairomone Attractants 

    6  refil kits per pack

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  • STORGARD®II Quick Change Kit Moth Trap (6pk)
    STORGARD®II Quick Change Kit Moth Trap (6pk)

    IMM+4 broad spectrum QC Moth with Storgard II Trap (delta style) for monitoring IMM (pantry moth) & associated 4 species (Plodia spp & Ephestia spp) Delta Trap with pre-loaded lure.

    The STORGARD® product line provides early-warning detection of potentially damaging insect infestations during processing, transport, warehousing and marketing of foods, and other commodities. Proper use of these products can reduce losses, increase the quality of stored foods and save time and money.

    A great multi-species trap for flying insects ULTRA-COMBI™ QUICK-CHANGE™ MOTH trap that attracts the following: Indianmeal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), Mediterranean Flour Moth (Ephestia kuehniella), Raisin Moth (Cadra figulilella), Tobacco Moth (Ephestia elutella), Almond Moth (Ephestia cautella).  

    Lasts 8 -12 week.

    Pouch kit contains 6 x traps, 

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  • STORGARD®III Quick Change Kit Moth Trap (6pk)
    STORGARD®III Quick Change Kit Moth Trap (6pk)

    The STORGARD® product line provides early-warning detection of potentially damaging insect infestations during processing, transport, warehousing and marketing of foods, and other commodities. Proper use of these products can reduce losses, increase the quality of stored foods and save time and money.

    A great multi-species trap for flying insects ULTRA-COMBI™ QUICK-CHANGE™ MOTH trap that attracts the following: Indianmeal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), Mediterranean Flour Moth (Ephestia kuehniella), Raisin Moth (Cadra figulilella), Tobacco Moth (Ephestia elutella), Almond Moth (Ephestia cautella).

    Lasts 8 -12 week.

    Pouch kit contains 6 x traps

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  • STORGARD®WB PROBE II Insect Monitoring System (3pk)
    STORGARD®WB PROBE II Insect Monitoring System (3pk)

    The STORGARD® WB Probe II is a broad spectrum beetle grain probe trap. The trap was developed using new innovative ideas for grain insect monitoring programs. The WB Probe II is the fastest, easiest and most cost-effective insect trap for crawling insects.

    The STORGARD® WB PROBE II® grain beetle monitoring trap will detect most insect pests of stored grain. This specialized plastic probe trap is 13.125-inches long and is inserted horizontally under the grain surface in the center of the bin to monitor for stored grain beetles. This trap functions as a pitfall trap, collecting beetles in a reservoir at the bottom of the trap with minimal labor inputs and increased ease of use to sample beetles over an extended period. 

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